Tuesday, January 18, 2011


It has been on my mind for quite some time, but now that we're "down to the wire" so to speak, its time for decision making.  Yes, it is Kindergarten registration time.

Options?  Public School.  Private Christian School.  Homeschool. 

While this decision may be easy for some of you, let me assure you, it is nowhere near easy for us.  I personally have pretty much done it all--I attended public elementary and high school, I was homeschooled for "middle school" with a Christian curriculum, I attended a private university, and taught at a Christian school..I also had different teaching experiences in various urban and suburban schools while in college.

I think at this point, we've eliminated public school--though it would be the "easiest" route for us to go.  Transportation provided, close enough to home, we already pay taxes..etc.  But easiest is not always best. (side note, if Michael does need more help with speech by the end of the year--public schools have the most resources available and he may end up there for that reason).  I have nothing "against" public schools in general, by the way.

That brings us to our next option.  Christian school.  In our area, there is no local Christian school.  The school I used to teach at does not provide busing.  The other one we would consider, has busing but they may not come out as far as our area.  And there is no way I could in good conscience put my children on a bus for 3 hours a day to go to yet a different school.  Plus, there is a good chunk of change that needs to be considered with private education.  At this point in time, that is not even a possibility we can entertain.  Also, while Christian school is preferrable over public school, it needs to be said that EVERY school has its issues and its group of kids--we all know the ones.  No institution of education is without its drawbacks and flaws.

Finally, homeschooling.  I must say that I never really thought I would even be entertaining the thought.  But here we are.  Entertaining and even leaning towards homeschooling.  Think about it, having your children gone 8 hours a day, 5 days a week for 13 years!!  That is a significant amount of time!!  I also have a degree that is pretty much not being used at the present time. : /
Homeschooling is very family oriented, the kids won't be exposed (prematurely) to things that they may be exposed to in a traditional school setting, it is very flexible.  They will get individual attention and life skills.  There are so many resources and groups/co-ops available nowadays to homeschoolers and studies show that homeschoolers are generally ahead of the game.

That said, I personally know of several "homeschool horror stories."  Kids who are socially, emotionally, educationally crippled by their homeschool experience.  I don't think that is too strong of a statement to make.  Also, imagine having the kids 24/7...for as long as you can imagine.  No breaks.  Hmm...

To counter that--it is a huge responsibility and a lot of work--but then it IS my responsibility and my work.  God gave us these children to raise--not for the teachers down the street to raise--and we are ultimately responsible for their well-being and education.  Thats a tough one to argue against.  ;)

I could go on and on about this topic..but I won't.  For now.  Instead, I'd like your opinions.

We have not made any final decisions yet..so I would like your feedback.  What do you think?  Arguments for or against any or all forms of education??  Personal experiences??


Duane and Mary said...

Hey, we have several great Christian schools nearby- but the pros to homeschooling still seem to work best for us right now! Home preschool has been a great, though busy experience. I know I'm not going to regret a less than spotless house some day, but I may regret the loss of time spent with my children. Enjoy!

Rebecca said...

I know we have talked already but here are my pros to homeschooling...also something I never would have dreamed of doing. It is quite an overwhelming task, especially with toddlers and babies in tow but: you can spend so much more quality time with your kids, watch them grow and learn, find joy in their excitement when the "light-bulb goes on", a flexible schedule, 1 on 1 teaching as well as being fine tuned to how your child learns best, family field trips, it is much cheaper way of education, more time for extra curricular activities to get involved with, and last but not least, your not restricted to vacations during the summer. I don't have too many negatives so I'll just leave it at that.

Mom Rose said...

Homeschool. it's not always easy, but very rewarding, as you know Stacie, since you were homeschooled, and I have for many yrs, I gave Matthew & Michelle the option of attending public sch. they looked @ me as if I were nuts(let's no go there) LOL, as a Christian parent Home is the best, since God has given us our children to raise for his Glory,we have a big responsibility. I wish I had kept the "older" boys home, but never thought of it back then. having Matthew & Michelle home has kept us closer than I could ever imagine, what a blessing it's been. There are also co-ops avail, the one we belong to is 5 mins from you, a great bunch of people, there's always support, since a lot of people homeschool. I know moms that HS with 6,7,9 10 kids and there kids have excelled and gone to great colleges. It's not all "peaches & cream" but a true blessing & rewarding for the whole family..I also know people that hs children w/ spec needs, ie autism, you have an advantage since you have taught school yourself.. I'm always around if you need help..you know that

Nicolette said...

pros and cons on both sides in my opinion. of the most importance when it comes to homeschooling is the one teaching the kids (you). and since you have a degree in education, it sounds like a good fit, no? i just wouldn't embrace homeschooling as the "thing" for everyone having seen some parents who simply are not organized enough, or quite frankly, not able to intellectually handle the curriculum. so, saying that it is a parents duty to care for their kids education can mean that you send them off to school where you think the teachers will do a better job (say, at teaching them physics), or leave them at home where you can teach them one-on-one. two sides of the coin as far as i can see....

sherrie said...

The only opinion I have regarding this decision is that once you prayerfully make a decision it will be the best one. Public, private, Christian and home schooled children all need the same love, guidance and patience of both Mommy and Daddy. Whatever you decide I will support it.