Wednesday, November 25, 2009


This morning, we were invited to a "mini-feast" to celebrate Thanksgiving with the Pre-K.

They had homemade placemats, necklaces, and headpieces.

The class had helped make corn muffins and cranberry sauce...
They also had potato chips, popcorn, and turkey cookies. (I should clarify...cookies in the shape of turkeys...NOT cookies made out of turkey).

Michael's Native American name was "Fast Bunny." How the names came about, I do not know.

Michael presided over the table..

With Carina at his side...
Rian and Daddy. Check out her crazy hair!!

Mommy & the girls.

After the food was to play for a few moments.

Michael's classmate, Kaylee (I don't think I spelled that properly) came over to visit Rian.

Holding hands to go get balloons.

Saying "good-bye" to the teacher..
Time to go home...

Thanks, Pre-K!

Happy Thanksgiving!!!!

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