Friday, November 6, 2009


(I'm skipping ahead to Sunday of Wedding Weekend..cause I really have a ton more photos of the reception etc. but some need to be edited and it'll take a lil bit longer--while these are ready to go.)
On Sunday, we headed home. We got up early Sunday morning--we had checked out a church in Frederick that had an 8:30am service. (We--well, okay-I, wanted to get home asap to the kiddies). So we get to the church a few minutes early, and there was no one in sight. Not a car. 8:20am. Nobody. 8:25am. Nobody.

Mike joking around says, yeah, they decided to not have the 8:30am service for today. 8:30am. Nobody. 8:35am. Nobody. So we drove around the building. It was pretty huge--maybe there was another entrance. No. But! At the top of the hill was a house with lights on and a few cars in the parking lot--it was connected to the church. We figured maybe they were having a Bible Study. So we got out and knocked on the door.

Sure enough-they NORMALLY have an 8:30 service, BUT they cancelled it for that day because they were having their church picnic. (They had 2 other later services, not just the early morning one). Figured!! So, after much debate, we went back to the hotel where Mike found info on an OPC in Gettysburg, PA that we would be able to make in a couple of hours.

We hopped in the car and traveled, roughly 2 hours, if I remember correctly, to this little Gettysburg OPC.
It was small and quite nice.

Then it was homeward.
To the kids.
End of trip.
It went fast.
The end.

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