Wednesday, August 10, 2022



There are definitely dangers to social media.  However, there are also some awesome benefits!

This guy asked to learn French Horn beginning this coming school year.  

You may or may not know that this particular instrument has a pretty hefty price tag-I put out some feelers in our local marketplace website to see if anyone had one stashed away somewhere.  A couple of months went by and no one responded, except to point me to various music stores.  So, we found a place we could rent one beginning in August.  

A few weeks ago, someone in town ran across my post and said they had an old one in their attic!

We were super excited and picked it up, free of charge!!

Amazing how the Lord provides!!

It may need a bit of work, but even so! 

We have some musicians taking a look at it as we speak and hopefully it still has a long and fruitful career of making music ahead of it!!

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