Tuesday, November 28, 2017


These guys were SO, SO, SO excited for their birthday!!

The morning finally arrived and we had to get the obligatory birthday pictures..

Since Daddy is not home in the morning, they could each open one present of their choosing and wait until evening for the rest.  

Evening came..and while birthday dinner was still cooking--(we had co-op that day) they opened the rest of their gifts.

The above Mister is super animated and full of expression opening.  It is quite the opposite with the Mister below.  He opens very seriously and holds up every item for at least 30 seconds for everyone to see.  

(This is the "I'm going to get you back now that I have my own" look at his brother)

Birthday cupcakes!!

Happy Birthday, boys!  
We hope that 5 and 3 are fabulous!

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