Wednesday, February 8, 2017


This is our second year in Pioneer Girls at a local church.
We meet twice a month and do Bible Study and projects etc.
It is basically like a Christian Girl Scouts.

The girls love going.
They have a time for games, a time for Scripture memorization, singing and a lesson.
A time is also set apart for the moms to meet briefly for prayer and a short conversation or devotion.

This year the ongoing project is an apron and they write each verse or a paraphrase of it on their apron.
They will then get to take it home at the end of the season and hopefully have it forever.
This year is extra nice because they started up a Boy's group at the same time and in the same church!
They memorize the same scripture and do projects related to it as well as have game time and such.
It is a whole family outing!

It has also been nice getting to know some more people in the community--a lot of them also homeschoolers!

They have a big (first time) event coming up this you'll have to be kept in suspense for pictures of that.

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