Saturday, September 24, 2016


 I will be honest, I expected some kick-back from this guy.
I expected a bit of a fight..
Boy! was I wrong!
He is doing an AMAZING job!!

He sometimes wants to do more than one lesson at a time, he is working hard
and in co-op there was not a single fuss or clingy-ness when he had to go to his classes, even the one where he is by himself!
He is also not in my Sunday School class anymore, but has a new teacher and no siblings with him.
I am so proud of my Boogie!!
He is not reading yet fluently, but it will be soon and it is all the more exciting because he WANTS to.

I have a full kindergarten curriculum but I'm really only emphasizing these two things right now, well plus reading literature.
We may work more in later on.
I like the Horizons program because they are fairly short lessons and full of color pictures.
Perfect for this boy.

This is pretty huge for us.

We're off to a great start to Kindergarten!

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