Wednesday, March 23, 2011


 Last Friday evening, we went to a "Spring into Spring" event at Fairview Lake..not what I expected it to be, but everyone had fun anyway.  Plus, the weather was so nice it was great to spend time as a family outdoors.
We started off inside with some snacks.
 Next there were some games/relay races on the field.
The kids didn't really get the concept of the relay...
we let them have their own turn (as you can see there was quite an age difference between our bunch and most of the other kids) after the bigger kids ran their relay, so as not to slow anyone down.
It was cute and they had a blast.

 Next we went to the fire pit and cooked some s'mores..


 After that we went to the stream to look for "critters."
The kids each got a net and had to scoop up some water and see if there were any interesting creatures in it..
It was getting pretty dark at that point.

Finally, we went back to where we started to make some windsocks..and use the potty.

I think we were the last ones to leave.
It was a nice time.
Now, today it is snowing pretty hard.
Lets hope Spring is here for the season soon!!


mom rose said...

we used to go to fairview with our co-op, the kids loved it,they had different programs, such as hiking, learning about trees/leaves, pioneer cooking, lots of different programs, the woman we had is a Christian, so she always brought God and his providence into the "picture"

Anonymous said...

The picture of Michael roasting the marshmallow reminds me of a picture my mom has of one of your brothers at that age. My family was over your family's house and apparently we were fishing. Fun times (although I don't remember it that well)
