Tuesday, March 1, 2011


I figured the first of March deserved a post.  The sun is shining..the snow if melting (!!)..even a few birds out there singing.  Spring is on its way!!!!!  I cannot wait!  So, I'm done with the "Love Month."  Something of a relief..though it made for quick, easy posting.  Nothing profound to say.  I'll just let you in on a few happenings lately and upcoming.

  1.   In the next 12 days, we get to celebrate 5 birthdays.  Starting with hubby and his twin.  March is jam packed!  June must be a good month.  ;)
  2.   We will also be celebrating a birth soon--no family, just friends.
  3. Our tub is finally tiled and lookin' good...someday we'll be able to finish the entire bathroom...and move on to the entire house :/ Its unfortunate that these things require $$ and time.
  4. We've been sick for the past couple of weeks..still working on getting better.
  5. Nothing worse than seeing an infant suffer and not being able to do anything about it
  6. I've been battling with the insurance company and finally got things straightened out (whew)
  7. We've decided to go ahead and commit to a year of homeschooling.  We'll see how it goes.
  8. Mike is treasurer of his FD and now has an even bigger work load than before
  9. I'll stop there because my baby is beginning to fuss.
  10. Happy March everyone!!

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