Thursday, March 10, 2011


So what has my big boy been up to?
Travis is 3 months old..
he first rolled over on March 1st.
The hard way.
Back to tummy.
He is finally over his sickness--THANKFULLY!!
It was/is horrible watching him (or any of them) suffer and not being able to do anything..
He is also becoming quite vocal, squealing and cooing, laughing.
While he was sick, he was not sleeping through the night, which was understandable..but I think we're just about back on track.
Last night he slept 8 hours.
He is such a wiggle-butt..he wants to GO!!
He nearly climbed out of his bumbo seat yesterday!
I think he needs a reminder that he is only 3 months old.
He is also very alert and wants to see what is going on all around him.  He has discovered his fingers and sucks on them constantly.  He is also learning how to grasp onto things and beginning to show interest in toys. 
He loves his play mat!
At last measuring (which was a couple of weeks ago) he weighed 14.5 lbs and measured 24 inches.
Pretty much everyone who looks at him manages to work in a comment on how big he is.
Overall, he seems like a pretty happy guy.

1 comment:

mom said...

awe, Mike u r a great father and son of course, u also have a very beautiful family which we love so much