Thursday, September 20, 2018


We're nearly back into the swing of things--
one of our co-ops started back in August (!!!)  
Obviously, I have not been attending yet.  This was the first day for the older kids.
We were able to work it out so that I didn't have to start back right away and one of the parents there is my "go-to parent" in case anything happens.  The other kids and I will start attending in a couple of weeks. So far, they have been enjoying their classes..
Some of the classes include violin, piano, dance, woodworking, voice, critical thinking, and a couple different types of art classes.

Our other co-op started a week ago--much more of a reasonable start date in my opinion.
Daddy was able to swap his day off  for co-op day and took all 6 for their classes, covering my duties while there.  I also will not be attending this co-op for a couple of weeks.   Some of the classes at this co-op include Busy Bees, Little Movers, Lego Club, Fallacy Detective, Sewing, Nature Notebooking, Yearbook Club, General Science, Westward Expansion, Science Explorers and Gym.

We have a pretty full schedule once again--but knowing a little one was due, I didn't go crazy.
We are not doing full days at either co-op and I am not teaching at all this year.
It will be a big change from the past few years, but necessary as we adjust.  Sonny was almost a year old when we started attending our Thursday co-op, a far cry from having an infant.  I'm thankful though that both co-ops were willing to work with us in delaying the start date and so forth.  Oh!  Another thing that I am super excited about is Bubs and Sonny will be receiving speech therapy at co-op!!  How awesome is that?!  I've been suggesting for a few years that we get someone in there to do speech and finally it has happened!  

Here is hoping for a great year!

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