Friday, September 14, 2018


The 2018-2019 school year has begun!
We are (most of us anyway) back to co-op and trying to get a "schedule" going.
We actually lightly started back (or should I say, we never really stopped) in August--but then a baby happened and so we called September 10th our first official day.  This will be our 8th year homeschooling.

We definitely need to find our new rhythm with lots of changes this time around.

We have Bubs starting Kindergarten!!

Boogie needs to buckle down a bit for 2nd grade..

Pre-K is all fun and games, right?

Middle school??!
Dad can't wrap his mind around the fact that he has one in 7th.
He says he remembers 7th grade like it was yesterday.  How about you?

Missy has been waiting for 4th grade for 3 years so that she can FINALLY join Hot Shots!!

This guy is pretty relaxed with his schooling, but nonetheless he will be learning so much in the coming year!

Bean is Bean.
Watch out 6th grade!

Lots of different levels and some changes to how we do things, 
but praying for a great year for all!!

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