Monday, August 22, 2022



Three months with this "little" stinker!

He is far from little for his age.  In fact, he is huge!!

He is wearing 9 month clothing size and it fits! Size 2 diapers are getting waaaay to snug, so once we finish up what we have he will definitely be moving up.

He sleeps through the night, he eats like a champ, he giggles and coos.

He is overall a pretty happy baby and rarely fusses. 

He is not currently rolling at all, but I have to admit he does not get a whole ton of tummy time on the floor.  For his safety, as you can imagine.  I will have to weigh him today-but I imagine that he is 16 or 17 lbs at least. 

(edited to add: he is 17.5lbs as of 8/23)

We love you, little squish!!

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