Wednesday, October 26, 2016


We've been friends for more than half of our lives now.
I suppose it is rare to find and stay in touch with childhood friends,
we came together as a group in 8th and were dubbed "The 6 Pack" by one of our dads.

We have two from Stillwater, two from Fredon, one from Hampton and one from Sandyston and then Fredon.  We united at the regional high school, which housed the middle school as well.

Since then we all attended different colleges, well, except for two of us who went to the same college and were even roommates.  We kept in touch throughout.

There have been jobs and breakups, losses and marriages, moves and children and all the lovely things that we call life..and through it all, we have still managed to keep in touch pretty well.

The few of us that are still local try to get together once a month.
Sometimes it happens, sometimes it doesn't depending on the family dynamics/sicknesses/schedules for the particular month.

This.  This reunion hasn't happened in a long time.
I think probably about 9 years since we were all together physically.
It required documentation.

We certainly had a beautiful day for it too!

First time meeting the mister.
I'm so glad he was a good on the plane.  
Maybe his mom will bring him up more often to visit. 

The girls really hit it off.
They've met before on a couple of occasions, but over the summer really seemed to connect and
play nicely together.

We've multiplied over the years.
Two of my boys are missing from this picture..otherwise that is everyone.
Well, minus the husbands of course.

A nice time was had by all.
It was lovely to see everyone.

I feel very blessed to have such a wonderful group of friends.
Hopefully doesn't take another 9 years for this to happen again.

Tuesday, October 25, 2016


October is Fire Prevention Month
 and it is always helpful when Dad is a firefighter to get together a field trip.
Once again, we set up a co-op outing.
Shenanigans prior to everyone arriving.

Our presenters for the afternoon.
We had a nice day for it!

Making their way through the firehouse on hands and knees following the rope as firefighters have to.
We did not blindfold them though.

Gearing up!

We had a pretty good turnout

A new activity for this year was shooting a hose to try and put out the "flame."

The red "flame" would fall once there was enough water on it.
The kids definitely loved this!

Parting shot.

Checking out the goody bag.

Thanks to KTFR for having us!!

Monday, October 24, 2016


It is that time of year again, the ground is nearly covered.
While raking leaves is not much fun, the end product is fun for the littles.

And, at least I have a helper! ;)

Sunday, October 23, 2016


Last week, we had a guest speaker for Sunday school.
A missionary to Japan (who also happens to be the daughter of a church member).
She brought in all sorts of things from Japan and gave the children a presentation.

Even traditional dress for some of the older girls to dress up in!
You can bet they loved that!

Missy counting to 10 in Japanese
(compliments of karate class)

She also brought in some Japanese candy for all the children to sample.
It was strange because they could eat the wrapper as well since it was made of rice paper!

The students learned a song in Japanese and tried using chop sticks to 
eat a small snack.

They learned some Japanese etiquette.

We also saw a short presentation about the place that our presenter lives 
and the culture surrounding it.  

It was a nice break and I think the students enjoyed the presentation, it worked especially well for us, because we started talking about Japanese history the next week!

Saturday, October 22, 2016


We had a fun Fall outdoor activity planned for today's Family Fellowship meeting.
The weather outside is pretty miserable though, cold and damp and we are still battling colds and, we modified it to meet at church.

Pumpkin snacks.

So, while we were rained out from our original activity, 
it was still nice to get together and fellowship.

Tuesday, October 4, 2016


Trying to find a place to go apple picking at the end of September on a weekday afternoon  was nigh on impossible this year.
Apparently, because of the frost in the spring this year's apple crop was affected--or so I was told and the season was super-short this year. 
We DID finally find a place, though not ideal, was halfway and open a little bit later in the day.
The orchard was pretty small, but there were quite a few apples.

Some really LARGE apples!

The kids were all pretty gung-ho about picking and we ended up with um...just a few (ahem!) more apples than we had originally wanted or needed.

The wheelbarrow was full, as in they couldn't tip it up too far to push for fear of losing apples out the front.

I had a wagon to pull and Rebecca had a stroller to push so the wheelbarrow was up to the kids and everyone (especially the big boys) put in a good effort to get it back up the hill to the place we needed to weigh and pay.

Waiting to eat one!!
This place had a no sampling policy, until after payment. :(

We hung out in the parking lot and ate apples for a little while as the kids ran around.
Though it was short, it was still nice to get together.

Til next time!

Monday, October 3, 2016


Though I appreciate the lowering of the electric bill--
it is still a sad day when we close up the pool for the season.

And it is done.
Looking forward to next year!