Thursday, April 5, 2012


 T-ball time has come!!

Granted, it was only the first practice, 
but it was obvious, Michael had a great time and can't wait for the next one.
He can run super-fast in his new cleats! ;)

A couple of laps around the diamond.
(Once again, he is the tallest one.  Where DOES that come from?)

Batting practice!
Go, Michael!

They broke the all the kids that signed up into four teams with about nine players per team.
So everyone gets a chance to do everything..nice.
Michael is on team four..or what was formerly known as team four. 
They "voted" and named themselves the "Sharks."
We were kind of afraid they were going to be the TigerSharkCheetahAlligator (etc.) team, but the Coach had it under control and it worked out. 
  I only heard one voice of complaint after the final vote.

We're excited..and this is something that Michael really has potential to excel at.
I'm sure you will be hearing more about it as we and all.

1 comment:

Mom Rose said...

let me know when he plays, we'd like to com & watch