Monday, March 5, 2012


After the 50th birthday party, came hubby's 30th birthday party.
Surprise birthday party.
I think I managed to pull off the surprise.
. . . . . .

We held it at the firehouse.
It was an all day process of cooking and setting up,
since nothing could be done ahead of time. 

Thankfully, he didn't decide to stay home that day!
But he did throw a bit of a snag into things when he called me at 5pm saying he was on his way home!  The party wasn't supposed to start until 7:30pm! 
It all worked out though.

Here are a few pictures before hand.
I really did not get any pictures during because I was too busy taking care of kids, changing food trays etc.  So, if anyone has any pictures from the party that they would like to share with me, I would appreciate it!

This was one HUGE cake.
(orange is Mike's favorite color)

I'm so glad his twin, Bill, was able to make it up for the party.
There were 60 candles on the cake, 30 for each of them.

The "lucky" ones that got their picture taken! 
That is because I sat at this table with the kiddies!

A sort-of room shot.
We had a good turn out..probably 100 or so people.
Thank you to everyone who came, helped set up, brought food/drinks to contribute, and clean up!
I hope everyone had a nice time.
It was great to see you all.

Special Thanks to Sherilyn & Mom, Pat @ the Firehouse, Jess @ the Firehouse for getting me the relevant information, Lauren @ LandRover for the behind the scenes work. You all made it run a bit more smoothly. Thanks!

My dearest, I hope you had a "surprisingly wonderful" birthday party!
Happy 30th!

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