Friday, February 10, 2012


After a holiday break, we were able to get together with friends this past weekend.
Mittens were NOT needed on the brisk, but pleasant February day.
What were needed instead were BOOTS!

The kids arranged themselves so well..

The 5 year olds on the outside..

Four year olds next..

3 and (almost 3) 2 year olds in the middle..
Boys on one side, girls on the other.

The little ones didn't join.
 I don't know if they would have been able to squeeze in there anyway.

After some fun outside it was time for some fun inside.
Playing with other people's toys is just so much better.... 

Then came lunch, a story and small craft related to mittens..then we had a double treat--
hot chocolate...and in the playroom.
One minor spill..that is what they are all looking at.

We're looking forward to next time!

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