So, it has been awhile.
Our Mac bit the dust and is no longer.
We miss it.
I'm still getting the hang of this bear with me.
These pictures are out of order and I grew frustrated with how difficult (or maybe I'm just doing it wrong!) it was to move them, so now you just have to deal with it.
Anyway, Carina turned 4 this past weekend!!!
It sort of felt like she had been 3 for ..oh..3 years?
Of course that is not the case, but strangely, it felt like it.
Here she is on birthday morning.
This was the LAST gift she opened.
I don't know what it is with my kids and guitars.
This was pretty much the only thing she asked for consistently for months and months..well, that and a "whole world birthday cake."
A beautiful new outfit for dance class and a book about ballerinas!!
A nice apron that Aunt Essie made!
Okay, back on track.
More morning birthday pictures.
She was very excited.
Can you tell?
For the most part, they really get along and play nicely together.
Cake time!
Yes, I attempted to make a "whole world birthday cake."
A round cake with the ocean and continents on, I tried.
No, I did not take any close up pictures of it.
It turned out rather disastrous. I put the filling too close to the edge and it all ran out as I was icing the cake..but hey, I heard it tasted good.
That is what matters, right?
I now know for SURE that I did not miss my calling as a cake decorator.
Though, I should probably brush up on my skills if I'm to be taking requests for the next umpteen years (Lord willing)!!
She loved having everyone sing to her!!
A couple more pictures of opening presents.
I think she had a nice day.
I do have to add in..that we're so proud of her..
she read her first book yesterday, solo.
A simple reader, but she read it all herself!
Happy 4th Birthday, Bean!!
We love you!!
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