Friday, June 24, 2011


School is out!
The other day a few of us went to the lake.
It was overcast and we even had a couple of raindrops, but the water was warm and the kiddies had a blast!
5 adults, 11 kids.

 Victoria's first time in the water!!
 I didn't get any pictures of little mister in the water, but he loved it.
I didn't love that he wanted to eat sand.
He managed to sneak 2 handfuls when I glanced away for 2 seconds.
Don't worry, I washed out his mouth.

 Tia looks a little chilly

 Love the little heinies in bathing suits
 Yes, that is little mister in there.
He was exhausted after playing in the water and eating lunch.
He decided to take a nap.
Rough life.
 Potty run!

 We packed up and spent a bit of time on the playground before calling it a day

Always fun to get together with friends!!
Lets do it again sometime soon!

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