Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Can you believe it?

In 11 short days, my little one will be a year old.

She is a stinker. 

I would say Michael is my laid back, easy-going one,
Carina is my stubborn one,
and Rian..she is my feisty one.

She is a little behind where the other kids were at this age..but then,
hey, everyone is different.
She is a peanut..smaller than the other kids were at this age too.

She is not walking yet, but so close.
She will catch herself standing...she practically runs along furniture..and
climbs on EVERYTHING!!

She loves being outside and climbing on the slide.

She is not really saying much in the way of words yet..
"Dada" and "Hi"
but, boy, is she vocal!!

And it is funny because she will copy tones.
If we yell, or make silly voices or sing..she will copy the sound.

She eats like a horse..or should we say like a bird?
Don't birds eat like 2x their weight or something like that?
Anyway, she eats a TON!!
(and thankfully, at this point, she eats everything..unlike her brother and sister)

What else? 
She has 6 just about to pop through it looks like.
She tends to be a bit jealous..if one of the other kids are on my lap or something,
she has to quickly interject herself into the picture..
and she is finally starting (we hope) to get over her extreme separation anxiety.
Time will tell.

Cutie pie.

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