Wednesday, December 2, 2009


I have come across some old pictures...reminisce with me.

Feet belonging to Esther and myself when we went down to Atlantic City for a couple of nights...the toe ring on my left foot--is no longer. I'm sad about that--I got it in 1999 on an after-graduation shore trip with the girls and wore it for 10 years. It broke about a month ago.

Ahh..the "dating" days...This pic is from a day when I "kidnapped" Mike. We went down to the aquarium in Camden..


And visited the Battleship NJ

And the beach for dinner...

This was taken in 2004 up in Cape Cod. We went up with my parents and Joe & Sherilyn. My name is spelled wrong...but still. :)
This one is from a dinner at the Lafayette celebration for Joey & Esther.
This one is in Michigan at...oh dear...I want to say the Frederick Meijers Gardens (???) Does that sound right?? We were quite the travelers at one point, eh?? No longer.
We were engaged at this time...February 2005 @ Phil & Bec's wedding.

This was in NYC, my cousin James (on the right) came out for our engagement party with his friend, Ian (center). We picked him up and took a walk around the city in the COLD!!

Ah, memories. I'll have to dig up some more in the near future. But for now, Enjoy.

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