Monday, July 13, 2009


On Saturday, Michael turned 3 years old. Here are some pictures from his party. It started out a bright and sunny day...ended up being overcast--but nice and then toward evening rained a bit--so it held out for our party, thankfully.

Hi Baby Star!! That dress was her Mommy's when she was a little girl.

Run, Mimi, Run!
Grandma & Great-Grandma

Sleepy Rian


Let's open some presents!!

Michael was so excited to get started, he didn't even wait till everyone was paying attention. :)

Yay! Its a card.

Some guests...

Look at that face...what a tough guy!

Lets test out that magnifying glass...that turned out to be the thing he wanted to play with for the afternoon.

Getting ready for school............................................... :( :) :(

Cool shades!

Who do you see??

New slinky. He was funny--every time he opened something he would say, "Look, everyone!" and hold up the gift. It was very cute.

Is there something in the bag?

Uncle Donny and Eric are playing.

A game or five of volleyball..

On the swings with Nena & Popi

Enjoying a yummy cookie

Basketball anyone?

Blow out those candles...

My big three-year old.


Duane and Mary said...

Happy Birthday, Michael!
Love Uncle Duane, Aunt Mary, Selah, Judah & Isaiah

Rebecca said...

Thanks for all the pictures! I told Silas it was Michael's Birthday on Saturday and he's running around the house singing, "Happy Birthday to Michael, Happy Birthday to Michael" in his own melody of course. So...a very Happy Birthday to Michael! 3 years time flies!

See you soon!
Love, Uncle Phil, Aunt Becca, Silas, & Tia