The pets keep coming.
This guy ,Pretzel, needed to be rehomed for a very valid reason
and I said, sure--as long as you guys take care of him!
We haven't had him for a full week yet, but all seems well.
The pets keep coming.
This guy ,Pretzel, needed to be rehomed for a very valid reason
and I said, sure--as long as you guys take care of him!
We haven't had him for a full week yet, but all seems well.
Our baby turned 2!!
This year's play was Newsies Jr.
We had some pretty big roles--5 kids involved, 4 actors and one stage crew.
If you don't know the story, it is based on the true events of the 1899 New York City newsboys' strike.
We had three shows over the course of the weekend and each one was better than the last.
Race heading up the alley
Graduation is a breath away.
So, so crazy.
We have been part of a special Senior group this year and there is a big, traditional-ish ceremony planned for the graduates. We've met as parents and seniors pretty much once a month since September to plan graduation and other outings and special events for these seniors.
We had our Spring Concert a few weeks ago.
Whew! When did May get so busy??
We have 2 in Beginning Band-trumpet and french horn
In addition to a new puppy--we also have a new bunny!
Isn't he cute?!