Monday, April 3, 2023


 We recently had one of those crazy days where "everyone" is going in different directions and the times make it difficult.

MJ had work, the girls had a birthday party and there was dance class, plus another stop in between.

It would have all been no big deal if it was local-but the birthday party was almost an hour away and for only a two hour duration.  No way we were going home in between.  Instead we found a park close by.

Thankfully, we had some lovely weather.

The other three boys were with us too, they were just busy on the other side of the playground.

Just a couple pictures

Happy Spring!!

Sunday, April 2, 2023


We went to the roller rink again in March.

Mr. 2 tried skates for the first time.  The kind that strap to your shoe.

He was unsure and didn't want to go back out after the first go around..

..but with a little encouragement and help he was on his own and having a grand ol' time.
It is nearly impossible to fall with these things- and he was basically walking-but it's a start!!

I'm thankful for so many helpers!


Saturday, April 1, 2023


This past week, Mike had the opportunity to bring the biggest Rosebuds to see "Moses" at the Sight and Sound Theater in Lancaster, P.A. 

They made a day of it and explored some of the town.

Both of our co-ops actually went the same day, but this is the group that we signed up with.

Safe to say, they really enjoyed the show and had a great time.

Maybe next year we can go as a family.