Monday, May 30, 2022


Sunday, May 22nd, we welcomed Isaac Reagan to the family.

He was born at 1:58pm weighing in at 9lbs 8oz and 21 inches long. 

And of course, he has a story.  
You would think there wouldn't be much of a difference in birth stories--however, this guy wanted to change things up!

I don't have the time right now to write his whole story-but in the next few days, I hope to.
For now- just a few pictures taken over the past couple of days.

Welcome Number 9!


This year's spring musical was The Music Man Jr.

put on by KFA.

Unfortunately, due to copyright issues there was no recording of the production or pictures allowed.

Here is the cast after production:

Our three actors:

A shot I swiped from another person:
(that is Bean on the far left)

It was a fun production and the kids had a blast!
Can't wait for next years show!