Wednesday, September 23, 2020


A few more pictures from "birth-day"

courtesy of the midwives.

I have some pretty awesome midwives.

I would never ever go back to a regular ob/gyn.

"I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made:
marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well."
Psalm 139:14

Have a good day!


Tuesday, September 22, 2020



Hard to believe, but this guy is one month old already!

It is just mind-boggling how fast the time goes.

He is now over 10lbs
eats well, sleeps pretty well, is a pretty content little guy.
I think I forgot just how much of a full time job nursing is, especially in a busy house.
He made his church debut yesterday and was such a good boy!

We're so very thankful for this little one!

Monday, September 21, 2020


Our new school year has begun.  This is our 10th year homeschooling!

We started on 9/9 officially, though we schooled lightly through the summer right up until Ethan was born..then the kids got a short break.

I can hardly believe we have a high schooler already!!

So far, no real complaints.  I may change up our high school literature, but everything else looks to be a good fit!  It can be a bit tricky scheduling wise trying to get "everything" done in a day, but I'm sure (or at least hoping) we'll find a rhythm soon.  Everything needs an adjustment when a new person enters the house, right?  I'm thankful that this is our normal and we have the ability to do it this way.

Happy Back to School!  


Friday, September 11, 2020


Do you ever stop to count your blessings??


We are truly blessed.

Wednesday, September 2, 2020


2020 is certainly a different kind of year.

We are not doing any co-ops this Fall, unfortunately due to different restrictions and requirements. 

I am actually pretty bummed about that as we had signed up for some pretty awesome classes, but it is what it is and in some senses it is actually a blessing.

 Our 4-H club has called it quits for various reasons.

The library is still closed, though we can do curbside pickup at least.

Our new little guy isn't even two weeks old yet, so I also have not set a start date for our new year..

but even with all the restrictions and adjustments that have been made, we were able to sign up Grant for soccer.  Bean is actually too old for the rec program at this point.

His first practice was the other night!

Heres hoping for a great, although different, season!


We now have two birthday's in August!!  

Not quite up to the four in November, but they are only 8 days apart.  

This guy turned 2!! 

He was pretty excited for his birthday, though the morning was a bit rough for some reason.
He recently moved into a big boy bed in the upstairs boy's room and is doing great! 
Anway, after a nap he was back to his chipper self.

Say "Cheese!"
I have to say, this kid is pretty hilarious--the things he says and his whole manner is just funny!
AND he is a chatterbox!!

Big Boy!

The next day we had his family birthday party.
It was a beautiful, albeit, warmish day and we thank everyone for coming!

Tuesday, September 1, 2020


With grateful hearts and much thanksgiving, we announce the arrival of Ethan Francis.

Number eight (earthside) arrived August 20th at 5:31 in the morning.

Overall, this was an easy pregnancy, minimal sickness and I felt good throughout.  

That is up until the last couple weeks.  Given the arrival times of the last couple of babies, I fully expected to have this guy a bit earlier than he arrived, however, all is God's perfect timing.

I had been having contractions since the last week of July--but nothing ever progressed and time went on..and on..and on..

I will say I got a bit grumpy and anxious that no baby was coming.  It literally felt like he was just going to stay inside for good.  Irrational, I know.  We passed the due date and still nothing.  I ended up having to schedule some tests if he did not arrive by a certain time.

Well, again--in God's perfect time, I woke up sometime after 2am on Thursday, August 20th--an unseasonably cold August morning (it was in the 50's at that hour!)-- wondering if I was dreaming.  I used the bathroom and went back to bed..or tried to at least.  It was not a dream.  The pain was real. BUT--I had been having contractions on and off for a couple weeks, so nothing to get excited about.  I went to sit in the living room instead of laying back down.  A couple trips to the bathroom and more contractions, and I decided to wake Mike up "just in case" around 3am.  It has to be noted that he had very much been looking forward to a special workout at the gym that morning, so his plans were "ruined" in that regard.  Contractions were about 3-5 minutes apart and I called the midwives around 3:30am.  Mike got to setting up all the birth paraphenalia --

as I paced the kitchen.  The midwives arrived around 4:15/4:30am, I'm not 100% sure because I was not watching the clock.  Contractions were about the same--not picking up or getting closer.  I had an exam to hopefully speed things up--but there was nothing to speed up--I was already at 8-9cm and the bag of waters was bulging.  (I've only had one baby where the waters broke and no baby immediately followed)
So I walked around a bit more and got in the tub maybe 5:15am--a few short minutes later I had to push and out popped mister Ethan!!  Two pushes and there he was!  
A lot smaller than I had expected at 8lbs 9 oz..(not that I'm complaining!!).
The kids started peeking around the corner shortly afterwards, while I was still in the tub.  The girls first had awoken when he cried and then Jared and Grant.  The boys downstairs took awhile to come up and eventually we woke up Levi so we could get a pictures with everyone together.

We were a little worried about how this guy would react, but honestly other than nap time being off for him lately, he has been really good and loves to hold Ethan. 

About an hour after birth, we rounded up the troops.  The midwives left a bit after 7am and just like that we are a family of 10!  Praise God from Whom ALL blessings flow!

Ethan means "Strong" and Francis is the masculine spelling as he is named after my maternal grandmother.

He is sleeping pretty well and eating like a champ and just looking as cute as can be all the while.

We are so very thankful for this new blessing!!