Wednesday, August 31, 2016


The Fire Department put on a company picnic this year, in hopes that it becomes an annual event.
They did a pig roast..and guess who got to do a lot of the "fun" stuff? ;)

I didn't take many fact, I took about 5.

 A lot of members were away or had to work, so this year was not hugely attended, but the pig was really good and I think those that did attend had a nice time.


One of the parks not too far from us built a splash pad.
As you can imagine, it has been super crowded this summer.  We went twice and it was a nice change of pace from other summer activities.

We actually met a friend from co-op there, as her daughter and Rian are "BFFFS's"
(Best Friends Forever Furiously and Seriously) lol.

I was a little disappointed in that the photos of the place make it look a lot bigger than it actually is.
However, the dry side of the park has a fantastic you can literally spend the day there if you are so inclined.  

Wednesday, August 24, 2016


A few weeks ago, I received an email from a local co-op that one of the area churches was holding a week-long drama camp.

I signed up the girls right away.

Last week, they went. 6 hours a day for 5 days.  The LOVED it.
Friday concluded the program with a short performance.
A dance, a song, and a skit.

The skit was written by the young people running the program after they had met all the participants.
So, each person had a character written especially for them.

Missy was little "Red" Riding Hood.

Bean was Cinderella, with the smallest feet in the kingdom.

Group Shot

Group Shot #2

They are already looking forward to next year!

Tuesday, August 23, 2016


MJ turned 10 in July.  
We told him that instead of having a big party, he could choose a couple of friends and do an outing.
First he wanted to go rafting, however we ran into issues with that since every place we looked into wanted 4 adults along.  So, as an alternate activity he chose a go-karting/paintballing/mini-golf combo at a place in PA.  We also invited four boys to sleepover, camping style and swim.
Unfortunately, none of the dates we offered worked for one of the boys.  So, we had three boys over one night for swimming and a campfire dinner.  

One had to go home that night.
So, we were down to MJ and two friends camping out and going for the activity the next day.
After a pancake and bacon breakfast, they headed out.

Lunch after the festivities.

MJ enjoyed himself.  I hope the other boys did as well.
Our new tradition for the 10th birthday.

Monday, August 22, 2016


The fair, as I mentioned in a previous post, was much more eventful for us this year.
Rather than going just one time, we were there several times.  Mike and Michael went a couple times to work the archery booth as well.  Michael was in two competitions.

Face painting by the FFA (if I remember correctly)

Tractor rides in the kid's corral

Hiding from the sun during a competition with friends.

Partial group shot of the 4-H club.

Pottery in the Kid's tent

J loves tractors.

After competition shot.

MJ won second place in his bracket.


It was hot and sticky but everyone had fun.
We may have two archers for next year's fair..we will see.