Monday, June 30, 2014


Here are a few more pictures from Rian's birthday party.

More than one little one was frightened by this character.
It was rather amusing.
He did not keep it on the entire time.

Saturday, June 21, 2014


In May, we also attended the annual homeschool convention as a family.
The hotel this year had a pool..
Instead of an outing on Saturday, Mike and the kids went swimming and then met up with me at the convention for lunch.
After that they headed to the airport to pick up my brother and his then-fiancee and her son.
I stayed until the convention closed and had a very quiet ride home.

Friday night, after checking in and wandering the convention hall for a brief time--
we headed to the Rainforest Cafe for dinner.
The kids were quite excited to go back after.


I have to say, I was pretty disappointed in the vendor turnout at the convention this year.
I went prepared to buy my whole history/art/music/language curriculum for the coming school year, but the vendor was not there this year.  I did pick up our science books and a few things from the used curriculum sale, but on the whole the vendor turnout was very poor.  I really, REALLY hope we can draw more vendors.  The speakers/workshops were decent.  Andrew Pudewa was pretty much the only "big" name, but most of the workshops I attended were pretty good.

Why not go to a different, larger convention?
Well, we talked about it and last year were even booked it (but had to cancel at last minute).
I feel like our convention NEEDS our support.
This is a great state to be homeschooling in, we should support it HERE.
The larger out of state conventions certainly don't need the support.
Yes, they have more to offer, but I don't homeschool in that state.
The laws there are completely different.
I don't know..we will see what happens come convention season.

Another event that happened in May!
We opened the pool!!

It looked like this:

Don't worry.  It doesn't look like that anymore.
I'm happy with the salt filter.
A week or so and it was crystal clear.
The kids have been in several times.
Mike has been in a couple..
I have not yet.

Friday, June 20, 2014


Rian's party was the beginning of May (due to all the events at the end of April!).
Since our house is a bit chaotic and under construction, we had it at the firehouse.
Another reason was the weather in April is always ify..if it rained, there was no way everyone would fit in our house.  Firehouse it was and it worked out just fine.

Rian asked to have a costume party for her 5th birthday.
So, we obliged.  

Mike gearing up.
We had green body paint for arms, leg and neck..but didn't get to it.
Maybe next time he has to be the Hulk.

Hulk and one of the Three Blind Mice.

Duck Dynasty representing.
Phil and Uncle Si.

Next time we have a party, I think I'm going to designate a photographer.
Between taking care of kiddies, food, games etc.  
I barely got any pictures.
I missed The Three Blind Mice, Pioneer Woman and girl, Ninja, Rapunzel, Cowgirl, Hockey Players, Firefighters, Military personnel, Superheroes, Pirates, Princesses, Fairies etc...
Even Wonder Woman a.k.a. the birthday girl!

Insert Big Frowny Face.

Anyway, here are a few of the pictures I did get.

Color and decorate your own masquerade mask.

For our youngest guests..

Carina lost a tooth during dessert..
cupcakes and make your own ice cream sundaes.


I don't have a single picture of the games.
We had a pinata, pin the tail on the donkey, marshmallow races, hula hoops etc.
Remind me, next time-- I need a designated photographer.

Anyway, I did have a couple of the kids come up later on and tell me they were having a "fabulous" that makes it all worth it. :)

Wednesday, June 18, 2014


April through mid-June was consumed by T-ball and Baseball.
Michael moved up to the next level and practiced on Tuesdays and Thursdays, with games on Fridays and Saturdays (depending on the schedule for the week).  The girls played T-ball this year, with practice on Mondays and Wednesdays and games on one of those days plus Saturdays.

I'm thankful that we only had two Saturdays where we had overlapping games.

Here are some pictures from Michael's season.

Let me just say, it was a HUGE difference from T-ball.  HUGE.

Field at Great Meadows.

Playing catcher for the first time

End of season celebration with cupcakes..

and pizza.

Some pictures from the T-ball season.
I know there are more floating around somewhere, but I can't find them right now.

Mike helped out whenever possible with the T-ball games.

Team picture, minus a few players.
We had a big team!

End of season celebration with trophies..

and ice cream!

Future ballplayers learning the ropes.

It was fun, for the most part,
but now
 I'm glad for a bit more "free time."

Tuesday, June 17, 2014


The reason we could not celebrate Rian's birthday on her birthday-- 
we had a bridal shower!!
Steven and Kira were out for the wedding the day before and were leaving the following morning..
so the ONLY time to throw a "surprise" shower was Friday night!
The bachelor party was also that night.

Not many in attendance, but sometimes it works out better that way.

Surprise!  Bridal craft night was put on hold...

Bride to be

We did actually sing to Rian and she blew out a candle.  :)

Later on, after the guests had left, we did have that craft night--working on stuff for the wedding and reception.

Hope you had a nice shower!
Stay pictures in the near future.