Rian's party was the beginning of May (due to all the events at the end of April!).
Since our house is a bit chaotic and under construction, we had it at the firehouse.
Another reason was the weather in April is always ify..if it rained, there was no way everyone would fit in our house. Firehouse it was and it worked out just fine.
Rian asked to have a costume party for her 5th birthday.
So, we obliged.
Mike gearing up.
We had green body paint for arms, leg and neck..but didn't get to it.
Maybe next time he has to be the Hulk.
Hulk and one of the Three Blind Mice.
Duck Dynasty representing.
Phil and Uncle Si.
Next time we have a party, I think I'm going to designate a photographer.
Between taking care of kiddies, food, games etc.
I barely got any pictures.
I missed The Three Blind Mice, Pioneer Woman and girl, Ninja, Rapunzel, Cowgirl, Hockey Players, Firefighters, Military personnel, Superheroes, Pirates, Princesses, Fairies etc...
Even Wonder Woman a.k.a. the birthday girl!
Insert Big Frowny Face.
Anyway, here are a few of the pictures I did get.
Color and decorate your own masquerade mask.
For our youngest guests..
Carina lost a tooth during dessert..
cupcakes and make your own ice cream sundaes.
I don't have a single picture of the games.
We had a pinata, pin the tail on the donkey, marshmallow races, hula hoops etc.
Remind me, next time-- I need a designated photographer.
Anyway, I did have a couple of the kids come up later on and tell me they were having a "fabulous" time..so that makes it all worth it. :)