Wednesday, October 23, 2013


 . . .nearly always accompany construction.
This is certainly not major construction.
However, when the room does have to be empty and holds all the toys in the house and is the main play area..ummm, well, let us just say that right now things are a bit disorderly and cramped.

The room was there, we are just in the process of closing it up and making it insulated etc.
A coat of primer..and waiting for the windows.
Progress..slow and steady.


La Manzana:  Apple.  A fruit.

Waaaay back..September? I think?
We went apple picking.

We actually went apple picking two or three times.
This is from the first time.
I don't think I took pictures the other times.

Enjoying homemade ice-cream UNDER the table.
It was a hot day and that is where the shade was.


Did you participate in any fun Fall activities?


Mid-October, had us attending a fire prevention presentation.
It helps when you have an "in."
We invited along several of our local homeschooling friends and had a decent turnout.


How heavy is that headgear?

The kids had a detailed tour of each of the three trucks and the tools that they carry.

We ended with juice, firehats and goodie bags to bring home.

Thanks Firefighters!
We had a great time!

Thursday, October 10, 2013


They bicker and fight just like any other kids,
but they also love each other and show it in so many little things.

I love capturing moments like these.


I mentioned in the previous post that Jared and I hung out at the birthday party.
It was at a horse farm.
In a barn.
Jared does not walk yet.

He was content for a little while in the stroller, but after that he was just squirming to get out.
Did I mention that we were in a barn?
There were dead mice on the ground.

In the party room there were a few chairs.
A chair and a balloon kept him happy for quite a bit.

My silly boy is growing up and starting to look like a big boy.

Rian's hat was along a source of entertainment.

Silly boy.

Not great pictures, but I enjoy them anyway.


It was a cowgirl party for Rian last Saturday!
The first birthday party she has ever attended solo.
(Well, Jared and I were there but we hung around the background.)

She was so thrilled.
Games to begin.

Cutest cowgirl in the east!

All ready to ride..

The invitation said "pony rides."
I was expecting little ponies.

It was no problem.
She had a blast.
Her horse was named Lady.

I'm sorry for the blurry pictures,
 I had a squirmy boy in my arms.

After riding, we went to the party room for food.
The mom did a great job decorating, by the way.

Some dance friends.

After lunch, it was time to go feed the horses 
and ride in the wagon.  
Then back to the party room for cupcakes and presents.

This is what I had expected.

Cowgirl Rian had a a fun day at the farm, that is for certain.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013


We have another reader!

Missy is so excited to read.
We have been working on associating the letters with the letter sounds as well as using the new-to-us
"Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons."  

Well, something clicked and she is taking off!

Tuesday, October 8, 2013


In 8 short years, we went from this:

to this:

My!  How things change!

Yesterday we celebrated eight years of marriage and growth.
We have been greatly blessed.