Friday, June 28, 2013


We wrapped up our year of dance this week with the recital.
Here are the girls getting ready to go to dress rehearsal.
They were just a little bit excited!

This was Missy's first recital and Bean's second.

We missed professional pictures this year due to scheduling conflict.
I had hoped to get some good pictures on recital night, but it turned out that Missy broke out in poison ivy ALL over her face.  Poor thing.  It is only just starting to clear up now. 
So, this is what we have.

In the auditorium.
Waiting to go on stage.
You know me, I try to be on time for everything.
I don't know why (!!) but it seems to get harder as time goes on..anyway, we were one of the first ones to arrive for rehearsal. 

 And then....

The boys enjoyed the show too.
 There they are!
I did record part of their routine on my phone, but I missed the beginning.
During dress rehearsal, Rian did not smile at all.
So, after we went home and prior to the show, I stressed to her--SMILE!
She did. 
It was very cute,
while standing there with a nice smile and her hands folded in front of her,
 she just neglected to dance!
(for a minute)
Rian is the 4th from the left and Carina is 3rd from the left.
Bean did a great job.
She has the look of a ballerina.
If she chooses to stick with it, I see a lot of potential.

I'm going to try and get my video on here.
ooooh, I think we're successful.
(pssst!  Great job, girlies!)

Wednesday, June 19, 2013


The woods are humming.
You turn down our street and wonder what the noise is.
Everyone who has visited us in the past few weeks has commented.
17 year (otherwise known as Periodical Cicadas) Cicadas have emerged!


If you look closely, you can see the bottom and tips of the leaves covered in the shells.
This was not even a FULL branch!

It is pretty remarkable the way God designed these creatures.
They know exactly when to burrow out of the ground.
They have a 5 week adult life span.

The males are the ones that make the noise.
They are looking for mates.


Here you can see a small smattering of empty shells on the ground.
Parts of our yard are (or were, I should say--all the rain did have an effect!) covered!

Another tree.
There are a few different kinds of cicadas.
Some which come every year.
These are special though.
We were figuring out how old the kids would be when the next brood arrives..
potentially out of the house!
 Some of the books we have been reading to learn more.
I would definitely recommend the top one.
Great pictures and lots of information.
Finally, after reading about and hearing them and all that good stuff..we saw online that a friend of ours had made Cicada Cookies!
Yes, they are eaten around the world.
Did you know that cicadas are especially "revered" in France?
Anyway, I thought we'd go for it.
Our friends saved one cicada cookie for us to sample.
No one was forced.
Michael and Carina refused to even try it.
Rian licked it and Travis actually had it in his mouth and then spit it out!
I did take videos, but I was laughing so they are rather wobbly.
I think it would have went over better if the cicada had actually been incorporated INTO the cookie.
Hey, it was a once in a lifetime type thing, right?
So, yeah.
Our adventures with the cicadas.

Thursday, June 6, 2013


Blogging has taken a backseat to life.
It is not a priority right now.
Plus, we got our laptop back and I have yet to re-install my camera software etc. It just has not been high on my list of things to do.  I've composed probably 30 or so posts in my head and forgot all of them just as quickly. 
May was very busy.
This first full week of June has been beautiful.
Weather-wise, near perfect in my book.
Sunny, mid-high 70's..not too hot not too cold..
we have been spending a lot of time outdoors.
Laundry on the line, gardening, schooling, playing etc.
The cicadas are insane!
I have pictures.
You step outside and the sound is just overwhelming.
Some parts of our yard are crunchy.  Literally.
We were reading about them yesterday and they are a pretty amazing creature.
Friends of ours made cicada cookies (no kidding!) and I hope to pick one up later for sampling.
We will see who is brave enough. 
I am happy to report that our garden is growing nicely.
Everything we planted is coming up well, so far.
I am unhappy to report that something ate the roses off the rosebush I received for Mother's Day.
I am SO happy to report that #4 is potty trained.
This is week 3 of wearing underpants.
We've had accidents here and there, but he is doing well. 
We have done underpants overnight since day one and thankfully have had no issues there.
As you probably know, I am planning to school through the summer this year because of the break we took when Jared was born and getting back into the swing of things.
We are on a "summer schedule" about now.
Bit more relaxed, more field trips and outings etc.
Again, our emphasis is mainly on Bible, Math, and Reading at this point.
I'm trying not to stress over not getting to the "extras."
We do what we can, as much as we can, when we can.
I'm pretty sure we're not scarring the children for life because they aren't learning formal grammar or science etc.
T-ball is over this week.
Dance is over at the end of this month.
I found someone who does swim lessons for a very reasonable price, so we're going to try that out for a bit.  I'm not expecting Olympic swimmers, but I do think that water safety and being comfortable in it is important.  Last summer we were a pool a total of 5 times.  I am only one person and with 4 kids to teach (at that time) it was just not possible.  I have one afraid as we'll see how it goes.  I'll keep you posted.
The summer reading program at the library starts this month too!
We're excited for that.
Jared is sitting, albeit still a bit wobbly, by himself and has two top teeth popping through.
Okay, I need to get lunch on the table.
Just wanted to let you know that we're still here.
What have you been up to lately?