Monday, July 30, 2012


We visited the county fair on opening day.
It was HOT!!!
I was literally dripping.
Thankfully, soon after we left it started to rain and that cooled things down significantly.

Some things we did:

Pony rides.
I do believe that this was a first time for all the kids.
Michael and Rian (I think she did?) went on a camel ride last year at the fair, 
but never pony rides before.  Carina needed a bit of convincing, and even though she didn't smile for any pictures, we could tell she enjoyed it.


Or, waiting for lunch.

Each of the kids got to pick one ride.
Rian and the boys went on the cars.

 Carina and Travis (he didn't get a pony ride) went on the carousel.

A brief glimpse of a lawnmower pulling contest..

And ice cream.

Of course, we also checked out the 4-H tents and vendor displays not to mention the animals.
As I said, it was opening day and we went fairly early on in the day--unfortunately, a lot of the animals and displays were not even set up yet!  Who knows, maybe we'll head back later in the week.  We also missed the balloon launching since we left early. 
My camera's battery died mid-way through pony rides, so I'll make sure I have it charged prior to going.  The delay on the phone makes it difficult to capture moving things (no good pics of the rides).

Friday, July 27, 2012


July is coming to a close.
This means summer too, is nearly done.
I know, I know, we still have August.
Still, didn't July fly by?

What has been going on these past couple of weeks?
Well, we have another new nephew/cousin, Cameron Blake, born this past Monday.
We have not been to see him yet, but as far as we know all is well with mother and baby.

Next baby is ours!
  In a few short months, we'll have a new bundle and a new routine to get used to.
It is a good thing that kids are flexible.
I've acquired a dresser for the little one and so have started to sort clothes and blankets etc.
I made a list of things to purchase prior to the I guess we're on our way to being ready.

I spent a chunk of time last week, while the storms were storming, preparing for this coming school year.  I have the books all organized and on the proper shelf.  I even have the first week of school planned out.  I hope I'm not being too ambitious in my planning.  As with most things, I'm sure it will take a couple of weeks to settle in and get our routine down. I was approached about teaching  Sunday School a few weeks ago..not sure if it was an official asking or if it was a inquiry of interest...something I should find out soon.

Our garden is producing.
We had our first (completely homegrown) salad last week.
We've gotten several tomatoes and some lettuce (not too thrilled with the lettuce, btw), I have zucchini and cucumbers ready to be picked in the next couple of days.  
Nothing in excess at this point.
There are flowers on my cantaloupe plants..the onions are growing..
for a first garden, it didn't do too poorly. 

We had a family unload a ton of hand-me-downs for the girls.
I don't know about you, but hand-me-downs are great and I am thankful for them and to this family for passing them along.  I was able to sort through it all and even make up bags for our local nieces, since we're out of those sizes.  Now, if only I could find someone with an older boy, we'd be set!! ;)
Not only did we get some "new" clothes, but Michael scored a drum set. 
A real drum set.
(It is in the basement, where it will remain!!)
We brought home of those motorized jeeps (girly) but ALL the kids are having a grand time with it.

Now that it is just about August, 
we're trying to get in all the end-of-summer activities and playdates and visits.
It is tough to fit everything into a schedule!  We went to the lake this week and had a great time, saw a circus/magic show, storytime, Daddy had a sick day, the fair starts this week and so on and so forth.  We have only been to a pool 2x this year so far!  Can't teach the kids to swim with only two times under our belt :\  
We are supposed to be hermit crab sitting for the month of August and possibly adding a new pet to our family.  I'll keep you posted on that development.  Michael is into bugs and reptiles at this point in time and every so often will mention wanting a snake.  I draw the line at snakes.  NO WAY!  Not happening.  I should take a picture of the "chicks."  They are huge.  There is one rooster for sure, which we expected.  It will either be dinner or sold.  We'll see.  I don't want a rooster at this point in time. 

I'm thinking that one of these days I need to organize this blog a bit least the list of outside blogs I frequent.  Several of them are personal friends, but many are not and fall into specific categories.  Would that be helpful?  Or you don't care either way?

Okay, well I suppose that is enough for today.  
Enjoy your weekend!

Monday, July 16, 2012


This past Wednesday, Michael turned SIX!!
Where did that time go?
We had VBS all week, so we just did a small cake and a couple gifts on 
Wednesday night with just us.

I like the one below.
He is not a little boy anymore.
If he keeps it up, he'll be taller than me very soon!

After a crazy day on Saturday, (baby shower, cleaning after a week of neglect (thanks, dear!), picking up cake and balloons, etc.) we had the family birthday party on Saturday evening.

What boy doesn't like dinosaurs?!

Ant farm!

His own starter camera.
He actually takes pretty good pictures.  Mike gave him an old cell phone to use for pictures..but his own camera is much, much better! 
Maybe we have a budding photographer.
Michael wrote his own birthday list this year and got most of what was on it.
Camera was high on the list.

The turtle puppet was one of the favorites.

With all the craziness, I just didn't have time to bake a cake and decorate it too...
Instead, I got an undecorated ice cream cake--it IS July after all, and since he wanted a Lightning McQueen cake..Lightning McQueen it was.
It works right?

The birthday boy was happy, so that is all that matters.

Happy Birthday, Michael!
We love you!


Last week we had our VBS.
I taught the Pre-K/K class
with ages ranging from 3-6 years.
Our smallest class size was 8 and the largest was 12.

The theme of the program was God's promises.
Specifically promises from Isaiah 41:10, Philippians 4:19, 1 Peter 5:7, 1 John 5:14, and John 3:16.
We focused on a different promise every day with a Bible story to illustrate each one.
I think the kids had a good time, at least a couple of them wanted to come back this week!

Here are a few pictures.

Music with Miss Rianne.

My classroom at the end of the day.

Craft time!

The sword-tournaments were a big hit, especially with the boys.

 The hula hoops were huge with the girls.
We might need to invest in one for our house.

 A few of the kiddies after class was over

An activity to illustrate and help us remember the healing of the lame man.
It was Michael's birthday that day, hence the birthday hats.

 Another day of music and silly faces.

Mrs. S and her helpers made edible handcuffs to go along with the story of Paul and Silas in prison.

 A few more from in our classroom.

The closing program.
Everyone, including myself, wore the T-shirts we colored on Tuesday.

After the program, we enjoyed ice cream sundaes.


It was a busy week!  
We had to be up and out of the house by 8am-ish and usually didn't get home until after 1pm.
At that point we were all exhausted, so not much got done around the house.
A few things I would tweak for next year, but overall, I think it went well.