Tuesday, December 18, 2012


Once upon a time..
there was a Dad that let his son play "Angry Birds" on his phone...
now, that is all we hear about. . .

and the rest is history.

Thanks Ms. Joanne for the awesome gift!

Saturday, December 8, 2012


Check out Bean's new specs!

She is just slightly farsighted.
The doc was hesitant to even write her a prescription..
she does not have to wear them all the time.
Sorry the picture is a little blurry, but there are flowers on the sides..

Friday, December 7, 2012

2 & 3 WEEKS

Look at those squishy cheeks!!!
2 weeks old.
(This is from last week)

Below is from today.
3 weeks old.

Photo: 3 weeks and so sleepy.. 


I very distinctly remember thinking "I don't EVER want to do this again!!!" while laboring..
but it is all worth it, isn't it......

( Do NOT read anything into that above statement.  I know you were.)

Wednesday, December 5, 2012


clip art silhouette of abc,123, educational books, and an apple clipart 

 This back-to-school-work-thing is looking to be more difficult than I had imagined.
I knew it would be an adjustment, however
one thing I've realized this week is that I can plan on getting NOTHING 
(school-wise) done in the mornings.
Between showering, breakfasting, feeding everyone, cleaning up from feeding everyone, nursing umpteen times, etc.  there is just no way that schoolwork is getting done.  

Me, being me, I feel it looming over me.
Silly, I know and something I need to work on.
My little one is sleeping well at night, but it does mean he wants to eat all morning and on top of it, Travis "needs" to go potty every 20-30 minutes.  It makes things interesting.
These past couple days, I've waited until after lunch when Travis naps and Jared usually has a full belly and sleeps for a significant amount of time, to do any schoolwork.  It has been working.  It is just a really FULL day.  I'd love to get some housework done or even take a short nap during this time..but.  What's one to do? 
(By the way, I'm not complaining.  Simply stating how it is.)

I took a full two weeks off from doing any work..wondering how long anyone else has ever taken..
Part of me says we should just press on and get done what we can and another part says take off another couple of weeks until Jared's "schedule" is a bit more predictable.  He is not even 3 weeks old yet...

Thoughts?  Advice?

The kids have been good about getting their work done.  I haven't had to fight with anyone to come and do school which is a definite plus.  

It's just me.

We'll adjust.

Besides, learning doesn't take place only during certain hours of the day, right?  ;)

Friday, November 30, 2012


Travis was napping..Jared content..
the rest headed outside to play in the first official snow.

It is now documented.


Everyone is entitled to their dreams, right?

Last night we went a few hours out into Pennsylvania to pick up our new vehicle..
this is a holiday special and the first thing that caught Mike's eye.
We were not even parked when he was exclaiming over it.

We had to get a picture.



 A few more pictures of the kids with Jared.


We have reached this point.
We have become one of THOSE families.
Just ask Mike.

We both really liked the Expedition..
however, it was tight with all the car seats and not much extra space for things like groceries or strollers etc.  In addition, the Expedition had a few things wrong with it that would have cost us probably a couple thousand dollars that we don't have...so instead we traded it in...no money down and about the same monthly payment we had..

For this monstrosity.

 Don't get me wrong--I learned to drive in such a beast as this.
Except ours was blue and had vinyl seats not cloth.
It came in handy when planning group outings or traveling across the country with 5 cousins or hauling stuff.  It rides surprisingly well and we have PLENTY of space.  LOL!

I just NEVER expected to be driving one as a family vehicle.

At least it is NOT a MINIVAN!

Wednesday, November 28, 2012


I wanted to get a "before" picture..but you are probably grateful that I did not get one. *wink*
This is not something I ever thought we would do..but there you have it.
We had my placenta encapsulated.

I don't consider myself a "crunchy mama" and certainly don't fit all the criteria..
See definition below from Urban Dictionary:
"crunchy mama  

Mother who supports homebirth, breastfeeding, baby wearing, cloth diapering, co-sleeping, gentle discipline, etc. One who questions established medical authority; tends to be vegetarian and/or prepare all-organic foods. See crunchy and hippie.
That crunchy mama is breastfeeding in public again!"

but really, why NOT do this?
It can't hurt..the capsules freeze indefinitely..and could potentially be a huge help.
People who suffer from PPD (Post Partum Depression) swear by it and we heard of mothers who gave capsules to their children to boost immunity and the kids are sold on it.  Plus, menopause?!
The placenta is pretty amazing in that (by God's plan) it sustains a life for 9 months..
It is kind of a weak argument or may turn your stomach, but there is probably a reason why animals eat theirs.

Here is some reading for you on the subject if you are interested.

What is your take? 



Travis turned two this month.

Matchbox car case.
It has a handle that pulls up and so Travis calls it his "vacuum."

Getting excited over his new blanket.
It has all kinds of balls on it..soccer, baseball, football..
whats not to love?

The youngest party guest.
Jared is 1 week old in this picture.
(Thanks to Aunt Essie for taking all the pictures, since my hands were occupied)
Travis doesn't seem to be having any issues with having a little brother.
He is sweet (albeit a teensy bit on the rough side) and likes to pat Jared's head and give him a kiss.
He refuses to say "Jared" though, when asked what the baby's name is, he will say "O."
("O" for cousin Owen).
I think he is just being a stinker though and doing it on purpose.
That is Travis for you.  

Yay!  Train tracks from Mommy and Daddy.
Travis is all boy and very into vehicles and sports.
He is such a personality..he is doing a great job talking (not perfect, but definitely working on it), he is not 100% potty trained, but again, doing a great job.  I think if we were to crack down on him a bit harder it would be just a matter of a couple days--he goes every time we put him on the potty..he just doesn't tell us when he has to go. 

Birthday cake!!
Made by Daddy.

Happy Birthday, Boogie!!


Carina's actual birthday was on a Monday.
Since we had already had her party on the 3rd, it was fairly quiet.
After Mike got home, she opened presents from us..

Yes.  Carina got a package of napkins for her birthday.
And she was happy with them.
Its the little things.
She is always the first one to ask for a napkin at any meal and she does so without fail.
So, prior to her birthday, it became something of a joke and I told her that I was going to buy her napkins for her birthday..
they didn't last long.

We didn't get to do the cool whip eating contest at her party for various reasons, so instead, after her special dinner (chicken "on the bone") the race was on.

Carina won the "neatest eater" award
Michael won the "fastest eater" award
Rian won the "messiest eater" award.
Travis ate his with a spoon!!  

Birthday brownies!
 Hope you had a wonderful 5th birthday, Carina!

Tuesday, November 27, 2012


Here are a few more pictures from Jared's birth.

 Did you know, my water did not break prior to delivery.
He came out in the sac or partially in the sac..

  Jared Arthur.
Michael's name was originally going to be Jared Michael..but someone (ahem!) decided that he wanted to pass on his name.  ;)  Jared has been on our list for awhile.  Arthur is my maternal grandfather's name.  We like to keep middle names as family names.  Enough said.

Delivering midwife

Another thing about delivering at home--neither good nor bad--is that there is a lot more legwork and preparation involved.  We had to attend a mandatory home birth class (which was informative, by the way) and get "cleared" by one of the affiliated doctors at 37 weeks (to date, no one has been turned down for a homebirth)..plus all the STUFF we had to get.  The tub, the liner, a new hose and connection, towels, make sure there was food in the house..etc. etc. etc.
PLUS, afterwards there is a bit of running around to do.
We had to bring Jared to the pediatrician the day after birth...then the following week we had to go to the hospital (I know, doesn't that seem like a step backwards!!??) to get a PKU..etc.

I think I mentioned it last post, but Mike was home all last week to help out and allow me to "get back on my feet."  He was a tremendous help.  I couldn't say enough.  So, this is my first week flying solo.  So far so good..we haven't started back up with full-time school..but I'm hoping to play catch-up with the things we did not get to during the week of birth and then, as long as all goes well resume our "regular" schedule beginning next week.

Jared is 11 days old today.
He has really been a good baby thus far.
After the first initial days (and they weren't even too bad!) he has settled down and is sleeping an average of 6-7 hours a night.  Not too shabby!!  Granted, he can eat for a solid hour straight!  He is a snuggler..Travis was such a wiggle worm that holding him was something of a challenge at times.  Jared is nice to hold.  :)


Now, that I've given you pretty much all the birth photos..be prepared to be inundated with pictures as we go.  :)