Carina turned 3 on 11/12...
We had her family party on 10/29 because we didn't
(and still don't) know when Baby Cam was going to make an appearance.
I do have pictures, but no way of getting them on here right now.
I'm glad we had the party when we did, because for her birthday and the week following, we (especially me) were all sick.
These pictures are from her actual birthday night.
As you can see, she was quite excited.
It was cute.
Her phrase when opening presents was, "I can't believe it!!"
We had a spread for her party
but brownies (a favorite with all the kids) on her birthday
The one thing she specifically asked for--the ONLY thing
she specifically asked for when asked what she wanted for her birthday, was a monkey.
She got three from different people.
She is very much "into" princesses right she also got
some princesses to play with.
Happy 3rd birthday, Rena bean!!
(I'm glad you don't have to share it)