Tuesday, May 25, 2010


Thanks to one of Mike's customers,
who let us use his home,
we were able to spend a week in Martha's Vineyard.
We packed the car on Friday night and
 left on Saturday, May 15th, at 6am...

We had 2 vomit stops, compliments of Carina
(this explains the outfit you'll see her in in the next pics)--
and 3 potty and/or food stops,
we made it to Woodshole, Mass. by 12pmish.

We had a ferry reservation for 2:30pm.
but they let us on the next boat,
Which was around 1:15ish.

Waiting on the ferry line.

On the ferry..
it was about a 40 minute ride to the island.

I'm so glad we had use of the gps, because we probably wouldn't have found the house for
hour(s) otherwise...
The house was/is quite nice..out in the "boonies" so to speak.
Very quiet.

Front view.

Let's go see what is inside!

We had plenty of room in the house..
4 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms (soo nice!)
huge closets..

This is the upstairs master bedroom, that Mike and I inhabited.

Hanging in the "foyer"

Upstairs landing.

The room where the kids slept.  Also upstairs.
There was one more bedroom upstairs, but I guess I didn't get a picture of it.
Michael slept on the top bunk, Carina on the bottom, and Rian got the pack n play.

They did well..though, each of them for various reasons..
(Rian screaming night #1,
Carina fell down the stairs in the middle of a night,
Michael threw up in the middle of a night)
..got to kick Daddy out of bed and spend one night with me.

complete with makeshift ping-pong table.

had everything necessary
(except a muffin tin)

Love the sink!

Living room/dining areas

We brought a bunch of toys with us..
so that is the clearest we saw the floor all week.

Downstairs master bedroom, the 2 older kids took their rests
in here and we used the bathroom off of this bedroom for the kids baths.

Saturday after we arrived and did a load of laundry
(to clean Rena's vomit-laden carseat)
we ventured out to get the few things we needed at the grocery store..
and explore a little bit.

We ended up getting some pizza and bringing it back for dinner.

Why take a picture of the pizza?
It was nearly $2k for that pizza!!!
(yes, I exaggerate a LITTLE)
It was pretty outrageous though.

The deck out back..

Dead, dried horseshoe crab.

More view of the backyard.

After dinner, it was bathtime.
Checking out the tub..

Thus began our time in Martha's Vineyard.
More to come.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Yesterday, we went for our first ultrasound.
This time around is a whole new experience, doctor-wise.

As many of you know, my previous doctor, sadly,
passed away from cancer back in the fall.
Also, after the experience we had at the hands of the covering doctor (for 2 out of 3 kids),
we decided not to go back to the hospital where there was even a chance
that we would get him.
Not to mention the fact that, these kiddies like to come QUICKLY..
and if the trend continues--
we wouldn't make it to the hospital on time by a good 30 minutes.

So anyway, we have a new doc..with midwives in the practice..
I met with one of the midwives today.
I wasn't overly impressed.
I hope first impressions aren't always the lasting ones.

One thing I really liked about my previous doctor, was that he (and the staff) always
welcomed the kids--talked to them and really seemed to not mind (I'd go almost as far as to say, enjoy)
having them there.
This practice does not seem the same.
Yes, they have some toys in the waiting room--
but you should have seen the looks we got at the first visit from the nurses and doctor
and today as well..
doesn't make one feel very "welcome."
You'd think, in the business that they're in--
they'd be pleased to see happy & healthy children.
Well, they'd better just get used to it I guess, cause the kids come with me.
Pretty much every time.

Okay, my rant is done.

So, we found out that all looks to be well with Baby Camouflage.
Why Baby Camouflage?
We asked the kids what they would like to name the baby..
(not that they get any real say in it..
nor will we be telling the names we have chosen to them for obvious reasons)
Michael said he would like to name the baby "Camouflage."
Works for now.

Little "Cam" is expected sometime in November.
Even with an ultrasound date, I'm hesitant to give a number..
Near the mid-end of November.

They say every pregnancy is different.
That is for sure!
This one has been extra different so far.
All is well now, but we had a rough patch to begin with.
While I never actually threw up--
it probably would have felt better if I had.
I have a lot more sympathy now for those with "chronic/constant" morning sickness.
It lasted about a month.

Well, that is all the update for now.
Till next time.


Moth-er n. 1.  a female parent.

That is the definition given in the dictionary.
Ah, but isn't a Mother so much more?

"A mother who walks with God knows He only asks her to
take care of the possible and to trust Him with the impossible."
Ruth Graham Bell

"God bless my mother, all that I am or ever hope to be I owe to her."
Abraham Lincoln

"Maternal love:  A miraculous substance which God
multiplies as He divides it."
Victor Hugo

"Mothers are lots of things--doctors, writers, lawyers, gardeners, actresses, cooks,
police officers, sometimes even truck drivers.  And mothers. 
Thank you, Lord."
Madeleine L'Engle

Happy Mother's Day to all you Mommies out there.

The kids made a me a shirt..
I didn't cook for the entire day
and even got in a nap.

Also some pretty (cheery) flowers..

And enjoying a Mother's Day treat later on..

What a mess!
She gobbled the whole thing down in no time.

Friday, May 7, 2010


Friday, April 30th, I planned a Ladies Night..
It was fun. 
 We had a nice time.
Sherilyn, Esther, Lindsay, and myself headed down to Brushes and Bisque.

Sherilyn's pick:

My elephant bank:

Esther's soap dispenser:

Lindsay's vase:

Hard decision, trying to pick out the perfect colors..

And the painting begins!

Definitely somewhere we want to go back.
It was a nice change of pace..
And as far as I know, Zachary was good for Daddy!