Poor Rena--we found out she gets carsick (hence the bib). After the initial "throw-up," she was fine the rest of the ride.
We left around 5:45am and stopped for about an hour total...let the kids stretch their legs and have a potty break. We hit a little bit of traffic...and had a minor "detour" so by the time we got into the aquarium (after having to search for parking and try to find the entrance--nothing is marked well!!) it was close to 11am.
A lot of the pictures are of the back of the kids heads...they were too busy looking at all of the fish!
The nice thing about going on a weekday is that it is pretty empty...the kids could walk around without holding hands at times....no lines...
The aquarium did not allow strollers, so let me tell you--the kids were exhausted (as was I) by the time we were ready for dinner...needless to say, it was hard for them to sit still...but it was nice to see Bill & Cathy anyway...
And extra special that they got to spend their birthday together--its been a few years.
So there are some pictures from our day....we left after dinner and headed on home. We pulled in the driveway right around 11pm. The kids slept the whole ride home AND all night...
It was a nice day overall.