Saturday, February 21, 2009


Just a quickie...its been quite a day and its only 12pm.

So we raced out of the house this morning (Mike is working)...running a few minutes behind. Michael did not want to get dressed!

I dropped Michael off and proceeded to head down to Bloomingdale for a baby shower....well, I got to Byram and ended up pulling in the "exit" to the Exxon station on route 206. Why??

My darling Carina was covered in vomit and it was still erupting. Pleasant, I know. So I finally got her cleaned up in the back of the car--as much as possible anyway and headed back to pick up Michael. No baby shower for us today. :(

So breathing as best as possible due to the smell--not made any better by the blasting heat (her coat was covered and I wasn't about to put it back on her) we made our way to pick up Michael. Rena fell asleep in the car.

We got home...I got Michael out of the car and attempted to get the offending car seat out of the car (no luck)...meanwhile he tells me he needs to go potty...

I go up the stairs and the door won't open. One of my darlings locked it from the inside and in our haste this morning, I neglected to check it. Okay, no big deal--I have my keys to the front door. So I tell Michael to wait there (Rena is still sleeping in the car) and I run around to the front door. The handle turns...however the bolt is NOT budging!!!!!!!! ARG!!!

So needless to say, we could not get into the house for a good 20 minutes/half hour. One darling smelling and "covered" in vomit and the other darling smelling from the other end--what a morning...I finally "picked a lock" with a screwdriver and we're in....

Again, its only 12pm.....what else will this lovely, eventful day have in store for us???

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


Good Morning...

More food shots:

Oops...Michael spilled too!

Yummy oatmeal. Wherever it lands.

Believe it or not--at 9:43am, Carina is still sleeping. Though I can't say I blame her...we had a bit of a different day yesterday and she did not get any real nap in...just a short maybe 15 minutes in the car. She is 15 months old today...

Baby countdown will be beginning any time now...less than 3 months to go. I can't hardly believe we're already down to 2 week doctor visits.

Not really anything new to tell you...Estrella has her first tooth, I hear.

The weather has been a bit nicer...our treacherous, solid ice-peak filled driveway has started a thaw..and in places has turned to muck. I'm not sure which is worse.

We're also all feeling quite a bit better...still a little congestion hanging on there (especially on my part) but compared to last comparison.

Here are a few recent pictures.

Being silly....
Course, the box is more fun than the toys....

Playing outside with Daddy....

Wednesday, February 4, 2009


Here are a few of the pictures I couldn't get up this afternoon...

Michael and Daddy not feeling well....
Carina is really loving feeding herself...not that we are enjoying cleaning up after her--but these things take time.

No more Verizon!!!!!!!!!!!

A typical view of the living room at the end of the day....well actually its usually a lil bit worse, you can actually see some floor here! At least the kids play with their toys, right?


Catch Up...etc.

Here are a few pictures from back in August I believe...there was a 4-H show at the fairgrounds and I took the kids to go check out the cows and horses. Uncle Joey helped Michael pet some cows...

I just got this message:

Pastor Johnny Serafini has found the freedom to accept our call and become our pastor. We thank our God in this day that He has answered our prayers. May the Lord be with Johnny, his family and us in the future that we may not only be pastor and congregation, but one body in Christ Jesus.
Praise God! It feels like quite a long time since Pastor Lipsy left, but relatively speaking, we're very fortunate that our pulpit has been filled nearly every week (I think we've had 2 or 3 reading services) and it hasn't even been a full year that we've been without a Pastor, whereas there are several congregations that have gone or are going on several years without.
We'd also like to welcome Isaiah Henry Rogers! We haven't been to visit him yet, alas! We've been ill..but hopefully soon we can go and meet him. We're glad to hear that all is well with mommy and baby and that Selah and Judah are enjoying having a new brother.
What else?
We finally are Verizon-free!! We're pretty excited about that. They have great phone service, but their customer service definitely leaves a lot to be desired. After all the trouble and headaches they gave us upon moving...we decided they do not need our business anymore. Its quite a long story, but I'm glad its finally done.
Michael started his second semester at ESU yesterday. So far so good. He has really taken off these past couple of weeks. Its certainly an answer to prayer to hear him talking. Not perfectly mind you, but its a start. Carina should be adding more words soon too if her babbling is any indication. She says a few things like: Daddy, more, up, duck....and she makes a couple of animal noises. She refuses to say Mama..though I know she can (that is ALL she said when she was sick a lil while back)
Well, once again I've tried multiple times and now I'm just getting really frustrated--my pictures won't come up. So for now thats all...

Monday, February 2, 2009

A Few

We've been somewhat "under the weather" lately. Tis' the season I suppose. Its stinky when EVERYONE is not feeling well..but I think we're on the road to recovery at this point, thankfully. I had a few more pictures I wanted to put up..but for some odd reason, they wouldn't upload....I'll try again another time. So here are just a few shots that are fairly recent.

'Baby Star'(as Michael calls her) and Rena in their matching outfits..

Another shot at getting the kids together for a picture...

This is probably as good as it gets at this point...

Cutie Pie....