Here it is not even November and it is practically blizzarding outside!! No accumulation here, but its really coming down...big flakes too! Leads one to wonder what kind of winter we have in store....... I tried for a picture, but without messing with my settings, the snow did not show up.
There has been quite a bit going on lately...nothing of major importance (off the top of my head anyway) but just a lot of little things
The above is a picture taken a couple of months ago by Duane & Mary's at a play you can see--plenty of kids!!! 10 on the couch and 3 in the womb. It would be nice to get together a bit more often, ya??
We ended up getting a free swing set for the kids, the frame is good, but the swings had to be junked. Mike took 2 vacation days last week, one of which he spent setting it up. It was such a beautiful fall day, we all spent some time outdoors.
Rena enjoying the weather....she is actually walking now...she had been taking steps for a few weeks, but she has taken off now...not completely steady--but she'll walk across the living room or down the hall etc. all by herself.
Daddy laying out all of the does it go again???
Michael helping Daddy...Some finishing touches........
Isn't the slide ready YET??????
A (mostly) finished all we need are a few swings!!!!
In other news, Mike was in a multi car accident, I guess a lil over a week ago...and very thankfully spared with no injury as were the other drivers. But my poor Toyota did not fare so is no longer usable. So we've been either renting or using customer cars since it happened. It looks like we will be in possession of a "new" vehicle in the near future--unfortunately it is not free--but hey, what is one more debt on top of all the rest!!! (*sob*) but having an "in" with a dealership definitely has its benefits. Hopefully this is big enough we won't ever need another vehicle (space wise).........soon as its available, I'll show you a pic.
I guess that is all for now...I have a whole bunch of older pictures I hope to get on here soon from some of our summer events...
till then~