Friday, January 25, 2008

New Boots

This picture is just too cute not to share!! Michael received a pair of cowboy boots during the holidays so now he can be just like Daddy They are a little big, but as you can see, he loves them anyway!

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Happy New Year

Well, it is 2008. We praise the Lord for all of the blessings we have received this past year. Where does time go? It certainly goes fast!! We hope everyone had a healthy and happy holiday time. After all the rush, we'll be glad to settle back into our "normal" schedule-if we can call it that.

I hope to begin my "business" this will be an adventure I am sure.

Carina is now 7 weeks old...nearly 2 months have gone by already! Michael will be 1 1/2 next week as well. Here are some pictures we took on Christmas of our little "buds" and their cousin, Eric. The picture really doesn't do justice to the size difference between Eric and Carina--she is twice his size.

Michael was a sweetheart holding his sister and then his sister and cousin.
Well, again, our best to everyone. Till next time!!