Tuesday, December 16, 2008


It has been quite awhile...a month or so I guess. November was busy and so is December...but I"m sure you all know about that. Here are a few miscellaneous pictures..Enjoy.

Rena's 1st Birthday..

Having some fun with Daddy...

More fun with Daddy...

Being silly...

Friday, November 14, 2008


Good Morning....It is nearly noon...and it feels like its still in the wee hours of the morning....I had a show last night and did not get home till morning and then my darling Michael Jacob--since he no longer sleeps in a crib--came in at the crack of dawn (or so it felt) and started playing with his animals on my face. And in what felt like moments later, I heard a little voice from the other room--signalling the start of my day. YAWN!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It is sleeping weather today too...grey and rainy. Maybe I can convince Michael to take a nap later on...Rena needs no convincing. :)

NE way--we now have a 2 year old and a 1 year old!!!! Carina turned 1 on Wednesday. I do have a few pics...unfortunately none of the ones taken when she was opening gifts came out. Out of my control. Maybe when we get film developed from Mike's camera there will be a few more.

time for cake...
blowing out the candle...with a little help..

enjoying a birthday cupcake...

the morning after...yay! toys.....

Michael REALLY enjoyed his cupcake the next day. He had chocolate all the way down caked on his scalp!! (hence the crazy hair)

That same night we also took possession of our new vehicle...its nice. 2005 Ford Expedition. I'm certainly not a car person--but I must say, I really like this ride. It has plenty of room and rides more like a car than a truck--which I cannot say was the case with the jeep.

Hmm...what else has been going on?? Well, today is Meredith's birthday. Happy Birthday to you!!!

We finally got up to check out the super Walmart in East Stroudsburg....so exciting! It was actually nice...we went as a family...we'll probably do our major grocery shopping there due to the fact that A&P (which is nice and close) is so OUTRAGEOUSLY expensive.

Some older pics--back at the apartment actually, showing you Rena's choice of "snack" for the day. :)

We're having the open house next weekend--mark your calendars!! I hope to see each and every one of you here. Get a jump start on your shopping for the season, and come visit with us a lil (being that it IS an open house).

I feel like I am forgetting something significant that has happened recently. Oh, we also went to a wedding reception (the couple got married in Mexico) last weekend up in the Poconos. Which was nice...only about 20 minutes away. I don't think we took any pictures though--sorry. Congrats John & Carissa!

I'm still waiting for all my pictures to transfer....what else can I tell you?

Did you know, we had a trial church service in LAFAYETTE!!!!!!!!!!! How nice and wonderful and fantastic would that be if we actually bought that church. It would cut our commute by more than half!!!!!!!!! Plus, its a really nice facility--plenty of parking and plenty of room inside--classrooms, all-purpose room, etc... We certainly won't get our hopes up though. :(

John Donne was always one of my favorite poets...how bout one??

The Good Morrow

"I wonder, by my troth, what thou and I
Did, till we loved? Were we not weaned till then
But sucked on country pleasures, childishly?
Or snorted we in the seven sleepers' den?
'Twas so; but this, all pleasures fancies be.
If ever any beauty I did see,
Which I desired, and got, 'twas but a dream of thee.

And now good morrow to our waking souls,
Which watch not one another out of fear;
For love all love of other sights controls,
And makes one little room an everywhere.
Let sea-discoverers to new worlds have gone,
Let maps to others, worlds on worlds have shown:
Let us possess one world; each hath one, and is one.

My face in thine eye, thine in mine appears,
And true plain hearts do in the faces rest;
Where can we find two better hemispheres,
Without sharp North, without declining West?
Whatever dies was not mixed equally;
If our two loves be one, or thou and I
Love so alike that none do slacken, none can die."


Thursday, October 30, 2008


Back in August Mommy & Mimi took Michael & Rena to Space Farms for the day... Michael LOVED it.........Rena fell asleep for a good portion, but did enjoy the time she was awake. Here are some pictures to help us remember our day.

Feeding the goats...and deer..and the goats again and the deer again..etc. He enjoyed it.

A trip down the slide...

And a ride (or two or three) on the horse...

Sitting pretty...Silly faces...I want to stand by myself!!!


They were both pooped at the end of the day. :) It puts a new perspective on an "old"place bringing little kids.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008


Here it is not even November and it is practically blizzarding outside!! No accumulation here, but its really coming down...big flakes too! Leads one to wonder what kind of winter we have in store....... I tried for a picture, but without messing with my settings, the snow did not show up.

There has been quite a bit going on lately...nothing of major importance (off the top of my head anyway) but just a lot of little things

The above is a picture taken a couple of months ago by Duane & Mary's at a play date...as you can see--plenty of kids!!! 10 on the couch and 3 in the womb. It would be nice to get together a bit more often, ya??

We ended up getting a free swing set for the kids, the frame is good, but the swings had to be junked. Mike took 2 vacation days last week, one of which he spent setting it up. It was such a beautiful fall day, we all spent some time outdoors.

Rena enjoying the weather....she is actually walking now...she had been taking steps for a few weeks, but she has taken off now...not completely steady--but she'll walk across the living room or down the hall etc. all by herself.

Daddy laying out all of the pieces...how does it go again???

Michael helping Daddy...Some finishing touches........

Isn't the slide ready YET??????

A (mostly) finished product...now all we need are a few swings!!!!

In other news, Mike was in a multi car accident, I guess a lil over a week ago...and very thankfully spared with no injury as were the other drivers. But my poor Toyota did not fare so well...it is no longer usable. So we've been either renting or using customer cars since it happened. It looks like we will be in possession of a "new" vehicle in the near future--unfortunately it is not free--but hey, what is one more debt on top of all the rest!!! (*sob*) but having an "in" with a dealership definitely has its benefits. Hopefully this is big enough we won't ever need another vehicle (space wise).........soon as its available, I'll show you a pic.

I guess that is all for now...I have a whole bunch of older pictures I hope to get on here soon from some of our summer events...

till then~

Friday, October 17, 2008



Today I had (have) so much to do...and I have nothing done. (well, actually we did hit the post office and also did the grocery shopping this afternoon) I think I have a bigger mess now this afternoon than when I got up this morning though. We did get a late start today..Michael was up and climbed into our bed this morning around 5am..and didn't wake up till after 10am!!! Anyway, I digress. Why I am sitting here doing this now...do not ask--especially since we have plans for tonight!!!! I have windows to wash and ewy baseboards to scrub (they're nasty!!!) and and and and..the list goes on. But nonetheless...here are some pictures of our yard. and one super cute picture of Michael that I couldn't resist putting in.

I don't know if I ever told you, but the septic was done last month. So that is one less thing to "worry" about.

A lot we want to do in the future, Lord willing--but there is a lot of potential here and it works for now as is (once it has a good and thorough cleaning..and a new hot water heater..and a lawn mower and bathroom fixtures and closet coverings and curtains....lol) Just kidding (sorta). It does work for now.. :)

Ta Ta!!

Friday, October 10, 2008


Yup. True story. :)

Thursday, October 9, 2008


We haven't been neglecting anyone..really......

After weeks and weeks of no internet and much headache trying to get everything straightened out..we are finally back online!! What a hassel. Remind me to tell you the story one of these days. It does have a happy ending. :)

We're starting to get settled..just about everything is painted and most of the boxes are unpacked and broken down. Still some things to do...but we'll get there. Here are some pics that were taken at our home inspection back in August, so needless to say it does not look the same now.

I'll try to get up some recent ones soon...

Our bedroom...(with their paint and furniture etc.)

View into the kitchen...

Carina's room......


A small portion of the basement...

Our "to be" dining room.........

Michael's room...........

The kitchen again........

Thats all for now....