Wednesday, September 25, 2024



I recently mentioned that our school year is different.

We do have a recent high school graduate.  That in itself is a big change.

He is working at the job he has held for a couple of years at the greenhouse, working as an "on-call/as needed" photographer's assistant, just started an unpaid internship with a former teacher with photography related direction, AND helping out with our co-op theater program.  He's keeping busy.  Just strange not to have him around with us.

The three next oldest are attending TLC again so that eats up our Thursdays.  

The biggest change... Friday co-op ran into some building issues+ during the summer and made the difficult decision to NOT MEET THIS SCHOOL YEAR! There were many factors in this decision and we recognize that God is in control, but it was a hard and sad blow.  Thankfully, we have an awesome and capable co-op administration and we have been able to go forward with a very, very limited class offering of theater and private or semi-private lessons at a different location.  We are also going to have some 5 or 6 week intensives throughout the year and hopefully a whole lot of field trips or meetups to keep up the relationships. We love TLC, but KFA has really come to be our "first love." Most of the kids' good friends (not to mention mine) are there, we attend as a family and I teach several classes.  Not to mention, it has always been less than 10 minutes from home.   Bean's senior year, so it makes it extra sad but again, we are trying to make the best of it. Lord willing, the co-op will be back up and running for the 2025/2026 school year better than ever.

It does give us some flexibility to do other things and we don't have such a hefty bill which is always good.

Both girls have jobs, Bean's job really doesn't affect the school day, but Missy's job is during school hours and so we are flexible with that so she can make some money as well as complete her schoolwork.  Good life lessons, no?

There are a couple of other minor things, that I'm not going to go into now.

It just feels different, not better or worse, just different and I guess that is just part of life and growth.

Tuesday, September 24, 2024



Prior to school starting, we spent a beautiful afternoon at the lake.

It was pretty empty, except for a stroller brigade of moms with little littles--and they found another spot in the park.

A couple of friends joined us.

Swimming was closed, but we had a net to catch critters..

and shovels to dig in the sand.

Don't forget about the playground to climb on.

Not too many pictures taken, but a nice day.
Perks of being a homeschool family.

Monday, September 23, 2024


 These two are just adorable!

A couple of years apart, even though they are pretty much the same size!  lol
They play together so nicely.

Love it!

Sunday, September 22, 2024


 At the end of August, we had a jam-packed weekend.

Saturday, most of the kids and I drove up to NH for a sweet 16 celebration.

It was perfect weather!

...and then we drove back home that night.

The following day we went to church as usual.
Then left immediately after to head down to MD for our nieces baptism.

..and headed back home.

 It was exhausting but both events we were glad to be at.

Saturday, September 21, 2024


 Mr. is 6!

The countdown to this birthday was just intense. :)

Legos from biggest bro.

The birthday list was very specific..

including a "bear hat with a love heart" because he "loves bears so much."
That hat was purchased and personalized by biggest sister.  :)

Happy Birthday to you!
We hope you had a wonderful birthday

Friday, September 20, 2024


We officially started on 9/9...we unofficially never stopped.

A few breaks here and there, but we do school lightly through the summer.

Here are our first day pics-out of order.  

I can hardly believe we have another senior this year.

Growing puppy.
Just because.

We didn't get a picture of MJ. 
 It wasn't his "first day" and he was long gone to work by the time these were taken.

This school year looks a bit different for a couple of reasons.
I will try and get a post about that soon.
We're praying for a blessed and prosperous 2024/2025 school year.


Soccer season began at the end of August.

Three players this year and one is a newbie.

We weren't sure how he would do, but he got right in there are did a great job!


I'm so glad that all three have practice at the same time on the same nights at the SAME place. 

It makes my life so much easier.

We haven't run into issues with games yet, I think there is only one scheduled conflict.

Have a great season boys!